
On the 15/4/07 I went to Kuala Lumpur to celebrate my uncle birthday party. I think it was his 53 or 54 birthday. The party was fun. We had sushi, lasagna, satay, and many more. Everything was fine until POOF! Blackout! Everything goes dark, totally dark. Guess what they do? They sang birthday song during the blackout, I can’t imagine that. We were like ohhhhh….but lucky my uncle house have a few emergency light so everything goes back to normal. I went home after that so I have no idea when the power supply is back. I spent a night at another uncle house. He has a nephew which is very cute. So we spent our time talking and drawing all kind of funny and cute picture such as pony, Spawns bob, and etc. we had a great time together. I went to bed at about 11.30pm. The next day I take off after my branch. It was a nice trip and I am looking forward into it.


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