10 Facts About the Brain

Your brain is the most energy-consuming part of your body. The brain represents only 2% of the body weight, but it uses up to 20 percent of the body’s energy production.

Your brain contains about 100 billion neurons which is about 16 times the number of people on earth.

The neocortex (a section of the brain involved with language and consciousness) accounts for about 76% of the mass of the human brain.

Neurons multiply at a rate 250,000 neurons per minute during early pregnancy.

750ml of blood pumps through your brain every minute which is 15-20% of blood flow from the heart.

The human brain is about 75% water.

Your brain generates 25 watts of power while you’re awake which is enough to illuminate a lightbulb.

Humans do not use only 10% or less of their brain. This is a common misconception.

It is estimated that the human brain has a raw computational power between 1013 and 1016 operations per second.

Our brain often fools us.


  1. Anonymous said...
    If our brain can fool us all the time, does it mean that we can fool our brain?
    Robin said...
    hmmm....good question
    let me see...
    can...why now, but the end result will not be good.
    " you haven't study and you know nothing about the test but you keep on saying that you know everything. so you went for the test will full confidence. at the end...low mark."

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