Transformers!!! My favorite movie when I was young. I can’t wait to watch this movie. The thriller is so great and awesome. For those who haven watch this movie, don’t miss this chance.Well, the show was excellent anyway and is all worth. Is a MUST watch movie human!
Today I have no idea why my dad will suggest ikan bakar as our dinner. Well who cares…as long as I m not paying I don’t ask must question. Ikan bakar is always my favorite food. There is one thing I hate that place, cats! All around us and it scares me where it just passes by your lag! Yuck!
Fantastic 4 is out again! All of us can’t wait to watch the show so all of us decided to watch the show on the first day it release. We went for the ticket reservation counter and we were surprise that there is still a lot of empty space. Well who cares…the movie stats around 10.15pm and ends at around 12.05am. Not bad for the action part but the ending was a bit lame. Nothing must to comment about the movie…Keep it up! After that we went yam cha at a burger store. It was my first time there so one my friend told me that this is a best place for burger and I say “I can see that…this is a burger stall. Of course it the best place for burger.” All of us start laughing. We hang around until 3am and I so damn tired.
Hardly wake up this morning although my class is 10.00am. Felt so tired and lazy to get out of my bed… then my mom came in and says “you don’t want to miss your first class don’t you?” Well I take my first step into my school and I see alt of new student walking around and looking for their class and some of them asking for direction from the security guard.This is just what I did last time when my first year in university. As usually the first week we had no class. The reason we attend is to know who is our lecture and it was boring. :(
The virgin girl is on the phone and
asks her boyfriend to come
over and have dinner with her parents.
Since this is such a
big event, the girl announces to her
boyfriend that
after dinner, she would like to go out
and make love
for the first time.
* * * * * * * * *
Well, the boy is ecstatic, but he has
never had sex
before, so he takes a trip to the
pharmacist to get
some condoms. He tells the pharmacist
it's his first time and
the pharmacist helps the boy for about
an hour.
He tells the boy everything there is to
know about condoms and
* * * * * * * * *
At the register, the pharmacist asks
boy how many
condoms he'd like to buy, a 3-pack,
10-pack, or family
pack. The boy insists on the family
because he
thinks he will be rather busy, it being
his first time and all.
* * * * * * * * *
That night, the boy shows up at the
girl's parents
house and meets his girlfriend at the
door. "Oh, I'm
so excited for you to meet my parents,
come on in!"
* * * * * * * * *
The boy goes inside and is taken to the
dinner table
where the girl's parents are seated.
boy quickly
offers to say grace and bows his head.
* * * * * * * * *
A minute passes, and the boy is still
deep in prayer,
with his head down.
* * * * * * * * *
10 minutes pass, and still no movement
from the boy.
* * * * * * * * *
Finally, after 20 minutes with his head
down, the
girlfriend leans over and whispers to
boyfriend, "I had no idea you were this
* * * * * * * *
The boy turns, and whispers back, "I
no idea your
father was a pharmacist."
Day 1(Mon)
Not a very good day to start with although I have my pc back but I can’t do anything! I got the wrong RAM and I don’t think I can fix it myself. Have to spend another day wondering around the house doing nothing. Lucky I got another pc to play with. Spend almost all the day playing game.
Day 2(Tues)
Took my pc the shop and get it fix. Waited about FOUR hour…my god! I have no idea what are they doing there…sleeping? But who cares as long as I got my pc back…later on I went for my dinner. Then I just remember I didn’t eat for the whole day. So I decided to go Burger King. I ate a huge one. I am good. I bought a new game too but how sad, the game is not working. No choice to leave it a side.
Day 3(Wed)
Plan to go outstation with my friend for shopping. But don’t where is the rest of my friend, can’t get to them even though I text message them. What an earth is going no! So at last only two of us are going… I manage to get Red Alert 3 Tiberium war from my friend but how sad again can’t play…
Day 4(Thurs)
Okay… I am out and let’s have fun. I went shopping with one my friend at Sg. Wang, Time Square and a building which sell all kind of computer stuff. We shop for the whole day. So tired…
Day5 (Fri)
Live goes on but I don’t know what I do everyday…waste time, I think so
From Day 6(Sat) to Day 10(Wed)
Forgot what I did…ha-ha
Day 11(Thurs)
Bought a new wireless router…how sad, can use on my OS. Follow my dad to meet his friend at a café. I had a Latin…not very nice but the design of the café is nice yet simple.
Bring back to the shop and fix the problem…it work there. When I bring home, SAME!!! My house is under renovating…so dusty and messy. I follow my family for a Korea dinner…pretty fun. We had a lot of dishes and the green tea taste great.
Day 13(Sat)
Still cracking my head to fix the wireless router
I GAVE UP!!! I have no idea what is going on. So as usual, I go for my prayer and came home around 11.00am. Spend most of the time playing game
Finally I am done with my stupid wireless router and I am back online. So happy about it
Seriously I did nothing much that day…spend most of my time in my bedroom surfing the net and chatting.
Yeah! This is a great day…play golf with LC, Alex, KT, and WS. This is really fun…they will have all kind of joke and stuff. After that we went for mamak. They miss order and end up ordering one set for each person. But seriously they are a good eater…everything clean!!
Back to school…went for briefing early in the morning. Not too bad, at least I get what I need to know. Actually we decided to have Chicken Rice as our lunch but how sad…store close. Then we went for Laksa (noodle plus curry). I went to night market alone just now and I spotted a cool girl…seriously she is so cool but I don’t like it, I don’t know why. I had 2 coconuts rice so call nasi lemak, a packet of soya bean and a Chinese bun. Yummy!
Finally I touch my book! Did some revision just to make sure everything is still in my mind. My friend came over and together we register the course we want to take on degree. After that I continue doing my revision until evening. After my dinner I was chatting with my friend and I told him that I had nothing to do and I am so boring here. He send back a message (aren’t we going out later for a movie?) I was like stun there for a few second and I reply back (oh yeah…I forgot about that) luckily I had one hour to prepare myself.
Nice show…after the show we went for burger and we spent about 2 hour eating and chatting there. That day we went home very early…3 a.m. Early huh…ha-ha
Day 20(Sat)
Well today I am going to celebrate my grandmother birthday and Father Day in advance (actual day is tomorrow) so we went for seafood. Nice and everyone enjoy it. The dinner end at 11pm. It was quite late so we went back to sleep
Day 21(Sun)
The last day of my holiday and again everything pass so fast, even faster that the speed of light. I still can feel that I just finish my final exam. We had our branch at my aunty house. After that we head back to our house. By the time we reach home is already 6pm so we went out for dinner again…is 11.35pm now,25 minute to go and that the end of my holiday. I love you all and I love you all once again.
My holiday ends here!!!
Well the last time I blog is during my final exam and now I am in the middle of my holiday. Sometimes I really don’t know where I spend my time. Just like I spent all my time doing nothing. Sometimes I felt like the time is so slow and sometimes is so fast. I remembered when I was a kid, I use to think when we put on a new battery the clock will move faster and it will go slower as the battery dry up.LOLs