House For Homeless


The Transportable House For Homeless

The above is the concept called Wheelly by Andrea Cingoli, Paolo Emilio Bellisario, Francesca Fontana, Cristian Cellini, they are the Zo-loft architecture & design team. It works as a shelter or a cart and you pull it like a luggage. If you’re broke to overnight in the hotel then open it out and you will get a colorful tent and people won’t look at you as a beggar anymore. It is equipped with a roller bearing technology and made with rubber, aluminium and pressed paper rollers to be 100% recyclable. The internal frame is designed with a sequence of holes to hang a 250lt cloth bag and daily stuff. Check out more after the break.

Thanks to two folding polyester resin tents the cart become a protected and intimate shelter with an insulated sleeping space and a collecting one. Closure is allowed on one side, where a rubber disc painted with logos is connected to the tent, by the structure and on the other side by using the big bag to lock the tent down.

Wheelly is designed to colonize and live all urban reality on its own or connected to other identities to create multiple living shelter and unexpected colored allocations.


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