PC Magazine has compiled a list of the 10 most commonly used passwords by computer users today. Majority of computer users are so lazy, stupid or too trusting that they use the same password for logging into their PC, banking sites and social networking accounts.

Here's the Top 10 list of most commonly used computer passwords:

1. password
2. 123456
3. qwerty
4. abc123
5. letmein
6. monkey
7. myspace 1
8. password 1
9. blink182
10. (your first name)

Needless to say if yours is on the list change it right away.


  1. curryegg said...
    monkey is on the list too? Lol...
    Thank for sharing this... ;D
    Koh said...
    I think another thing people like to do is use the same password across their accounts (emails, banking, etc). Once you cracked one, you just get all the others...
    Robin said...
    curryegg:you are welcome
    koh:sure for that...but that is so dangerous.

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